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Parasoleil is not Unique in Bridging Architecture with Nature

  • Written by Uriah Bueller on May 10, 2018
  • Filed Under News

Parasoleil is constantly inspired by timeless design along with the new breath of fresh ideas that challenge our notions of what is best in the built environment. In our attempt to define what we do, to give purpose to our daily work and an understanding of what we do best, we have realized that we hold a unique place in architectural design. We blur the lines between public and private space by bridging architecture with nature.

Now, this concept is nothing new. Frank Lloyd Wright talks about it. Dominique Perrault talks about it. Architects across the world use this principle in their work every day. Yet there something special about filtering light with playful patterns and structural forms that create a transitional space that becomes personal as a person interacts with the light and shadow.

Aside from our Parasoleil’s concept of bridging architecture with nature, it is prudent to recognize the two other forms of bridging. The first is a traditional bridge, either across a body of water or simply connecting bodies of natural land, regardless of what is underneath, to each other. The award-winning Tabiat Bridge connects nature-to-nature by spanning an incredible bridge over a highway in Iran.

But the celebrated NYC Highline take the other end of the spectrum. It bridges architecture-with-architecture by reclaiming an elevated transportation line into an outdoor pedestrian walkway, bridging over the streets below.

Parasoleil does not help everyone with every kind of architectural need. We have decorative panels with cutout panels that have been tested for wind loads and structural integrity. We help to bridge Architecture with Nature by how our products are used as well as in the show-casting patterns and artistic finishes. There is often a stark contrast between the unpredictable elements of the natural world and the defined interior environment of buildings. At Parasoleil, we believe we can help blend these two spaces in a more continuous way – inviting people to enjoy that space in between.


Frank Lloyd Wright


Dominique Perrault


Tabiat Bridge


New York City Highline
